The 13th Quadrennial

Connectional Lay Council Convention

All Aboard the Convention Express

July 26th-31st, 2025

Onward Christian Laity

Showing Up Strong with Purpose, Preparation, and Practice

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Ephesians 6:10-11 NIV


Bishop Daran H. Mitchell

Zion, I invite you to join the Connectional Lay Council in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, as we gather for the 13th Quadrennial Convention from July 26th to 31st, 2025. This experience will be impactful as we celebrate the work and witness of the laity in our Zion, sharpen our tools to serve this present age, and prepare our constituency to be laser-focused in an age of distraction and division. Listen, beloved, if ever there was a time when people of faith needed direction and guidance for the days ahead, the time is now.

As the newly appointed Chairman of the Board of Lay Activities, I am excited about the opportunity to mobilize and galvanize one of the most significant and necessary groups in our Church. I am grateful to God for our leadership, Mr. Joseph King Davis, Jr. and Mrs. Leondras Davis, who, along with our executive board, are working tirelessly to provide you with a powerful presentation for clergy and laity. We're committed to blessing the people called Zion, and we need you to show up! Don't meet me there, beat me there! See you in Winston-Salem!

Grace and Peace!

Bishop Daran H. Mitchell

Mr. Joseph King Davis, Jr., CLC International President

Get your bags packed and board the Connectional Lay Council nonstop express train and “Come with Us to Christ.” Winston-Salem, North Carolina, the “City of Arts and Innovation” and North Carolina’s “Twin City,” is the site of the Thirteenth Quadrennial Connectional Lay Council Convention of the Freedom Church, the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, July 26 – 31, 2025. Our theme, “Onward Christian Laity: Showing Up Strong with Purpose, Preparation and Practice” will unfold a plethora of engaging opportunities through access to high-quality speakers with impactful presentations, community engagement, recognitions of achievement, productive business sessions, and the election of officers. Purpose refers to our intentions, goal- setting behavior, and a feeling of determination. Preparation is our action and strategies for improving readiness for service, and Practice is the use of ideas, beliefs, and methods to improve our skills and proficiency as an organization. Join us in looking forward with great anticipation, as we continue to expose our objectives and purposes, and enjoy all that you will experience to “Secure Our Future.”

Mrs. Leondras “Lele” Davis, Convention Chair

All aboard the CLC Convention Express for the 13th Quadrennial Connectional Lay Council Convention! The destination will be the city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, July 26th- 31st, 2025. The Connectional Lay Council and our Host Partners of the Piedmont Episcopal District invite and welcome you to join us for an abundance of engaging activities for both laity and clergy.

We sincerely hope you have marked your calendar and plan to share this information with others about our upcoming convention. Take a moment to read through the Convention Guide which will assist you in planning your trip and ensure that you get a preview into the experiences we are planning for you. Stay tuned for more information to help you maximize your convention activities. Register early!!! Should you need additional information, you may contact me via email or by phone/text @ 704.562.0402. I will be eagerly waiting to serve as your conductor!

CLC Convention Site

Benton Convention Center

Twin City Quarter
301 West 5th Street
Winston-Salem NC 27101

Marriott Hotel Exterior

Hotel Accommodations

Marriott Winston-Salem

425 North Cherry Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Phone: (336) 725-3500

New Marriott

All Aboard the Convention Express