Dr. Victor J. Tulane Servant-Leadership Award
Nominees for the Dr. Victor J. Tulane Servant-Leadership Award must have been an active member of the Connectional Lay Council for a minimum of (4) four consecutive years prior to the convention and must provide evidence of significant accomplishments as a leader in at least 2 of the four categories: The A.M.E. Zion Church, Civic Organization, US Military or a member of the faculty or staff of a college or university. Each must submit letters of recommendation from each of the following: Local Pastor, Presiding Elder, and Bishop of the area. Additional recommendations may be submitted from an elected local community official, class leader, district or conference Lay Council President. It is the responsibility of the nominator to submit the Nomination Form to the CLC Office on or before the scheduled
submission date of May 15, 2025. Forms not submitted on time will be disqualified.

Dr. Betty V. Stith Trailblazer Award
Nominees for the Dr. Betty V. Stith Trailblazer Award must have been an active member of the Connectional Lay Council for a minimum of (4) four consecutive years prior to the convention and must provide evidence of significant accomplishments as leaders in the following areas: faith based or civic communities. The applicant must show significant accomplishments as a Visionary, Innovative and/or Tenacious Leader in The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, noteworthy accomplishments that were directly affected by nominee’s sacrificial and dedicated service in The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and have major accomplishments as a leader in the Civic and/or Ecumenical Community. It is the responsibility of the nominator to submit the Nomination Form to the
CLC Office on or before the scheduled submission date of May 15, 2025. Forms not submitted on time will be disqualified.

Laity Hall of Fame Award
To be nominated for The Hall of Fame Award the named person must have been an active member of the Connectional Lay Council for a minimum of (4) four consecutive years prior to the convention and must provide their leadership involvement in following areas: community, local church/ Presiding Elder District, Conference and/or Connectional Lay Council. You must show
significant accomplishments and submit letters of recommendation from each of the following: Local Pastor, Presiding Elder, and Presiding Prelate. Additional recommendations may be submitted from an elected local community official, class leader, district or conference Lay Council President. It is the responsibility of the nominator to submit the Nomination Form to the CLC Office on or before the scheduled submission date of May 15, 2025. Send a copy of the nomination to the Local Lay Council President and Regional Director. Forms not submitted on time will be disqualified. CLC MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 26770 Charlotte, NC 28221-6770, ATTN – CLC AWARD NOMINEE.
Nominations may be submitted by email to or