
All Aboard the Convention Express

Eligibility for Nomination:

All nominees for the Dr. Victor J. Tulane Servant-Leadership Award must have been an active member of the Connectional Lay Council for a minimum of (4) four consecutive years prior to the convention and must provide evidence of significant accomplishments as a leader. Each must submit letters of recommendation from each of the following: Local Pastor, Presiding Elder, and Bishop of the area. Additional recommendations may be submitted from an elected local community official, class leader, district or conference Lay Council President.
Card carrying member of the Lay Council and attend meetings and/or functions at one or more levels on a consistent basis.
Member of the Connectional Lay Council for a minimum of (4) four consecutive years?
Check One:
Church Address

1) Briefly describe nominee’s involvement as a lay leader in two out of the four categories noted below. 2) Briefly describe significant accomplishments that embrace mentoring, qualities of a servant- leader and General Conference legislation that improved the governance and privileges of lay members in The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. In addition, a double-sided one-page vitae may be attached to this nomination form.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
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It is the responsibility of the nominator to submit the Nomination Form to the CLC Office on or before the scheduled submission date of May 15, 2025. To receive this award, nominee must be present unless approved due to extenuating circumstance.