
Bishop Daran H. Mitchell
Presiding Prelate Mid-West Episcopal District
Chair, Board of Lay Activities
Host Partners
Piedmont Episcopal District

Sis. Camille C. Starnes
Missionary Supervisor

Dr. Dorothy Gill-Smith
Regional Director
Convention at a Glance
Thank you, Bishop Darryl B. Starnes, Mrs. Camille C. Starnes, and The Piedmont Episcopal District for serving as the Host Partners for the CLC Convention!
Join the CLC following the Connectional Council in Winston-Salem, NC (Winston-Salem District), July 26th - July 31st, 2025, at the Benton Convention Center. (Pre-Convention Event- Sat. July 26th @ 8 p.m.)
AIR TRAVEL to Greensboro, NC (GSO)- approx.15 miles to Winston-Salem, NC
AIR TRAVEL to Charlotte, NC (CLT)- approx. 1 hour 15 min to Winston-Salem, NC
LODGING- Marriott Winston-Salem, 425 Cherry Street, Winston-Salem
PARKING GARAGE See parking rates on the following pages @ Marriott Winston-Salem (directly in front of the hotel)
PARKING GARAGE See parking rates on the following pages @ the Benton Convention Center (direct access to the Convention Center)
REGISTRATION IS NOW LIVE - Each region has a goal of 100 registered attendees.
- PRE- $175.00 (by May 31st)
- EARLY 185.00 (by June 30th)
- LATE AND ONSITE 200.00 (After July 1st)
STOLE DAY- Bring your Life Member Stole and/or CLC African Stole
Convention Chairs
Necrology – Mr. Jerry L. McCombs, Chair
Legislation – Dr. Mary J. Matthews, Chair
Special Projects – Ms. Karen Scott, Chair
Registration – Mrs. Priscilla Leeper, Chair
- Victory J. Tulane Banquet tickets - $50.00 per person
Vendors – Ms. Paula DeBerry, Chair
Victor J. Tulane Awards Banquet – Mrs. Loranda Melton and Mr. Melvin Bonds, Co-chairs
- Victor J. Tulane Servant - Leadership Award
- Betty Stith Trailblazer Award
- Laity Hall of Fame
Nomination – Mrs. Thomascena LeGrand, Chair
Community Outreach – Ms. Pat Hunter, Chair
Souvenir Journal – Mrs. Shelley Henry, Chair
Convention Parking

The closest parking deck to WINSTON BALLROOM, SALEM BALLROOM.
Skywalk from 2nd level parking deck to the 2nd floor of Marriott.
in addition to HEARN BALLROOM in Marriott.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that other parking decks and lots in the area may be private and not open to the public. Unauthorized vehicles will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.
Please note, prices are subject to change without notice.
Updated as of 12.12.24

Important Deadlines
May 15, 2025
Victor J. Tulane Award
Chairs: Mrs. Loranda Melton, Mr. Melvin Bonds
Mrs. Loranda Melton: malloy78@gmail.com
Mr. Melvin Bonds: melvinbonds@gmail.com
May 15, 2025
Betty Stith Award
Chairs: Mrs. Loranda Melton, Mr. Melvin Bonds
Mrs. Loranda Melton: malloy78@gmail.com
Mr. Melvin Bonds: melvinbonds@gmail.com
May 15, 2025
Laity Hall of Fame Award
Chairs: Mrs. Loranda Melton, Mr. Melvin Bonds
Mrs. Loranda Melton: malloy78@gmail.com
Mr. Melvin Bonds: melvinbonds@gmail.com
Location: Marriott Winston-Salem, NC
Status: Link Forthcoming