
All Aboard the Convention Express

Mrs. Thomascena LeGrand, Chair


Post Office Box 26770
Charlotte, NC 28221-6770
Telephone (704) 599-4630 ext: 2566 - Fax (704) 688-2551

January 1, 2025

Thirteenth Quadrennial Connectional Lay Council Convention Theme "Onward Christian Laity:
Showing Up Strong with Purpose, Preparation, and Practice"

Dear Laity, greetings in the beloved name of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.
The Connectional Lay Council is convening its Thirteenth Quadrennial Lay Convention in Winston-Salem, North Carolina July 26 – 31, 2025.

CLC ELECTED OFFICES ARE OPEN FOR THE 2025-2029. In accordance with the Book of Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and Bylaws of the Connectional Lay Council (CLC), individuals who offer themselves as candidates for election to the position of International President, First Vice P resident, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary and Chaplain of the CLC must have been a member of the CLC for a minimum of four (4) consecutive years. Candidates must obtain letters of recommendation from their Pastors, Presiding Elders, and Presiding Bishops.

Candidates who wish to be considered for an office in the CLC will need to send an email indicating their interest in the desired position to Mrs. Thomascena L. LeGrand, Chair, CLC Election Committee at tlegrand@nc.rr.com, or send a letter by mail to the CLC Office - PO Box 26770, Charlotte, NC 28221-6770, Attn: Mrs. Thomascena L. LeGrand, Chair, Election Committee.

Qualified Candidates will receive an application using the same method the request was received unless otherwise requested.

Following the receipt of the applicant’s letter:

1. The CLC Application and CLC Candidate’s Package will be sent to the applicant and must be returned within 45 days to be eligible for the interview.

2. Following receipt of the applicant’s CLC Application and CLC Candidate’s Package, the applicant will be contacted to schedule an interview.

3. Following the applicant’s interview, the applicant will be notified within one week of their eligibility to campaign for the respective Elected Officer’s position.

*Candidates are NOT allowed to campaign until the Application process is complete.

*The Interview process must be completed 90 days before the start of the CLC Convention, July 26, 2025.

In His Service,
Mrs. Thomascena L. LeGrand
Chair CLC Elections Committee

Voting Credential

Mr. Hank Dobson, Chair

CLC Handbook-Revised 2019, Page 35, ARTICLE VI MEETINGS, Sections 1 through 5.

Section 1. Convention. A Quadrennial Convention shall be held every four years in the odd-numbered years at the time and place of the Connectional Council for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports, and transacting other business as may properly come before it.

Section 2. Call to Convention. The call to convention, giving notice of the place, date, and time of the convention, shall be published in The Star of Zion, The Connection newsletter, and/or the Connectional Lay Council website.

Section 3. Voting Body. In the year of the quadrennial convention, all memberships must be paid 30 days prior to the opening date in order to be eligible to vote at the convention. The voting body of the convention shall consist of current members who shall have registered with the convention.

Section 4. Quorum. A quorum at any convention shall be a majority of the voting members who have registered with the convention.

Section 5. Voting. No member shall vote in more than one capacity. There shall be no absentee voting or voting by proxy.