
All Aboard the Convention Express

Set up: Sunday July 27, 2025 @ 3 p.m.
Breakdown: Wednesday, July 30, 2025, by 7 p.m.

Vendor Booth Fees - (see fees when you select your desired space)
Deadline: Must be received in the office on or before June 30, 2025.

Cash App: $CLCAMEZ
Givelify: Connectional Lay Council
US Mail: Connectional Lay Council, PO Box 2566, Charlotte, NC. 28227
Affiliates: CLC, AME Zion Church, Marriott Winston Salem or Benton Convention Center

Vendor Row Guidelines 2025

  1. Tables will be assigned upon receipt of payment.
  2. Space includes 1 table, 2 chairs (additional cost for space or tables)
  3. No food or drinks may be sold or given away by the vendor.
  4. Vendors are responsible for leaving the area in the same condition as it was found.
  5. Vendors will be removed from any area you have not pre-registered.
  6. Electricity fees will apply.
  7. The CLC has the right to censor any booth for failure to adhere to CLC guidelines.
  8. The CLC and affiliates will not be held responsible for any liabilities, lost or stolen.

For additional questions or concerns, contact Paula M. DeBerry 757-470-9413.


Type of Product

All sales must meet the approved standard of the CLC. List or categorize the items that will be available for purchase or given out.

Vendor Fees are as follows:

Zion with Registration- $200 + $175 = $375
Zion without Registration $400
Non-Zion with Registration- $300 + $175 = $475
Non Zion without Registration $500
Additional tables/space: $100 each

Special perks for those who register!

Price: $100.00