Set up: Sunday July 27, 2025 @ 3 p.m.
Breakdown: Wednesday, July 30, 2025, by 7 p.m.
Vendor Booth Fees - (see fees when you select your desired space)
Deadline: Must be received in the office on or before June 30, 2025.
Cash App: $CLCAMEZ
Givelify: Connectional Lay Council
US Mail: Connectional Lay Council, PO Box 2566, Charlotte, NC. 28227
Affiliates: CLC, AME Zion Church, Marriott Winston Salem or Benton Convention Center
Vendor Row Guidelines 2025
- Tables will be assigned upon receipt of payment.
- Space includes 1 table, 2 chairs (additional cost for space or tables)
- No food or drinks may be sold or given away by the vendor.
- Vendors are responsible for leaving the area in the same condition as it was found.
- Vendors will be removed from any area you have not pre-registered.
- Electricity fees will apply.
- The CLC has the right to censor any booth for failure to adhere to CLC guidelines.
- The CLC and affiliates will not be held responsible for any liabilities, lost or stolen.
For additional questions or concerns, contact Paula M. DeBerry 757-470-9413.